Crypto Recovery Service that recovers cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum have surged in price over the last 5 years. As more and more people become interested in trading, crypto recovery services are becoming increasingly important to many users worldwide. There are many ways that users can lose access to their wallets. In some cases, users lose access to their wallets by making a mistake during everyday usage. In other cases they would like to recover a wallet that they had years ago and didn’t pay enough attention to. Crypto recovery services can offer help, even in cases that seem to be rather hopeless.
What Are Crypto Recovery Services?
While looking for help you have to keep in mind that your recovery is like no other. Solving a case can depend on the smallest of details and how the access to your wallet was lost. Here are the most common reasons why funds are lost and crypto recovery services are needed:
- Scam: Scammers are all over the crypto space because once the scam is successful and they get their hands on a cryptocurrency there is no way to immediately reverse the fraudulent transaction. Crypto phishing is a common method that criminals use to try to scam crypto investors into sharing their passwords with them. Crypto recovery services can assist you in pressing charges after the scam and preparing necessary filings with authorities as well as helping to retrieve lost wallets once law enforcement has a hold of the funds.
- Password recovery: Creating secure passwords can be a challenge and so can remembering them. Passwords are lost easily and often. Password recovery is absolutely possible if you’ve kept all the data and the wallets. The time to recover the password is depending on the length and complexity of your lost password. Even when your HDD or SSD is partially destroyed there is still a chance to help you and recover the lost funds. To support the recovery, please write down all passwords that you have tried out unsuccessfully and also write down parts of your lost password that you still remember.
- Deleted wallet: Sometimes one click can be life-changing. Data loss is very common through broken or damaged hard disks. There are a variety of tools that crypto recovery services use to help and perform a full recovery of lost data. The most important thing that you can do to help recover your funds is not to write any more data on the data medium.
- Wallet corruption: WWallet corruption is a special case of data loss. Crypto recovery services can retrieve your funds with several methods and recover your wallet. As with all other data: Even though it is corrupted make a backup and keep any existing copies of your wallet safe until you receive expert instructions.
- Seed recovery: A seed phrase can consist of up to 25 words and is usually kept in a safe place. A seed is used to make a backup of a wallet or even multiple wallets of different cryptocurrencies. If you lost access to your seed, crypto recovery services can help you to regain access to your wallet. Please write down any words of your seed that you still remember. Should the physical copy of your seed be partially destroyed please keep it safe until you receive expert instructions even with situations like Electrum Wallet recovery
Why Is Rewallet the Best Choice Among Crypto Recovery Services?
Our company is situated and registered in Germany which provides the legal framework and trusted environment to task us with your wallet recovery as a service. Our service has a public and well-known track record in solving all kinds of different cases. When you contact ReWallet you are guaranteed that professionals will handle your case and try every reasonable method to recover your wallet, data, seed, or funds.
Unlike other crypto recovery services who will try to charge you no matter if recovery is even possible, in all cases our service only comes at a cost if we recover your wallet successfully.
Be careful not to fall for crypto recovery scams promising your funds back without even looking at the details of your recovery case and charging hefty fees upfront. Our service includes a free-of-charge assessment to explore whether it is possible to regain access to your wallet, data, or seed.
Our Crypto Recovery Service Process
1. Fill out wallet recovery services questionnaire: We ask you some questions to best understand your situation so we can set realistic expectations from the beginning of your journey with us
2. We review your request: Based on your information, we will check whether we can help you. We strive to provide the very best communication to all our clients and promise to get back to you with our assessment within 24 hours.
3. You receive our contract: If we can help you, we will send you our contract for your legal protection. You then send us the other information we need for our work.
4. We recover your crypto wallet: Once we have all the required information, we will start the recovery process immediately.